IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium
20-24 April 2020 // Budapest, Hungary
Management in the Age of Softwarization and Artificial Intelligence

Experience Sessions

View Presenter Instructions >>

All times listed are in Central European Summer Time (CEST)

Tuesday, 21 April 2020


ES 1: Network Operations and Management

Session Chair: Martin Husák, Masaryk University, Czech Republic

A Resource Efficient Implementation of the RESTCONF Protocol for OpenWrt Systems
Malte Granderath (Jacobs University Bremen – Germany), Juergen Schoenwaelder (Jacobs University Bremen – Germany)

SSH Kernel: A Jupyter Extension Specifically for Remote Infrastructure Administration
Masaru Ueno (Fujitsu Labs – Japan), Yuji Imai (Fujitsu Labs – Japan)

Comparative Analysis of Network Fault Classification Using Machine Learning
Junichi Kawasaki (KDDI Research – Japan), Genichi Mori (KDDI Research – Japan), Yusuke Suzuki (KDDI Research – Japan)

Using TLS Fingerprints for OS Identification in Encrypted Traffic
Martin Laštovička (Masaryk University - Czech Republic), Stanislav Špaček (Masaryk University - Czech Republic), Pavel Čeleda (Masaryk University - Czech Republic), Petr Velan (Masaryk University - Czech Republic)


Wednesday, 22 April 2020


ES 2: Monitoring and Security

Session Chair: Rémi Badonnel, Université de Lorraine, France

Towards Efficient and Adaptable Monitoring of Softwarized Mobile Networks
Alan Plascinskas (The University of Edinburgh - Great Britain), Xenofon Foukas (The University of Edinburgh - Great Britain), Mahesh Marina (The University of Edinburgh - Great Britain)

Protecting Home Networks From Insecure IoT Devices
Elmer Lastdrager (SIDN Labs - The Netherlands), Cristian Hesselman (SIDN Labs - The Netherlands), Jelte Jansen (SIDN Labs - The Netherlands), Marco Davids (SIDN Labs - The Netherlands)

Is it time for a 999-like (or 112/911) system for critical information services?
Emeka Obiodu (King's College London - Great Britain), Nishanth Sastry (King's College London - Great Britain), Aravindh Raman (King's College London - Great Britain)

Network Monitoring and Enumerating Vulnerabilities in Large Heterogeneous Networks
Martin Laštovička (Masaryk University - Czech Republic), Martin Husák (Masaryk University - Czech Republic), Lukáš Sadlek (Masaryk University - Czech Republic)

Presenter Instructions

Instructions for Experience Session Papers

As you are already aware, the Covid-19 pandemic has forced the NOMS 2020 conference to go online - as such, there was the need to adjust the conference session formats in order to make them compatible with an online synchronous event.

Each experience paper is allocated with a 30-minute time slot, including 20 minutes for the talk and 5 minutes for questions.

The presenters are asked to get prepared to do their presentations via Webex Events, which is available on all major computer platforms. Please prepare with a 16:9 sized presentation format either in pdf or ppt(x) that you can share from your computer. Dedicated Webex Events sessions will be assigned to the experience sessions, where you can share your screen and give a live talk together with camera feed.

As mentioned, you will have a 30 minute long slot altogether, including take over the screen, give the talk and give room for the questions (to be collected in the chat field of Webex Events). The presenter must be available on-line for take the questions and answer them part of the slot, even if the presentation is pre-recorded. A guided test session will be provided where you can check your presentation.

While we all prefer live presentations (even if on-line), it is wise to have a plan B for unexpected situations. As a best practice, we suggest authors to prepare a pre-recorded video of their presentation (e.g., ppt with voice-over, or even more elaborated video styles; uploaded as a hidden YouTube video). Even if we use a pre-recorded video, the author has to be there for the Q and A session, otherwise the paper cannot make it into the proceedings and IEEExplore.

The presenter should send his/her short bio to the session chair by April 17, 2020, and upload the presentation slides as well as the link to the pre-recorded video (if any) on JEMS the day before the session. This corresponds to the categories "Powerpoint Presentation (pdf or pptx)" and "Pre-Recorded Video (pdf including a link to the video)" on JEMS.

Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any further questions.

Many thanks in advance and see you soon,

Experience Co-Chairs
Martin Husak & Remi Badonnel