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All times listed are in Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Tuesday, 21 April 2020
13:00-14:00 |
Posters 1 Session Chair: Paulo Simões |
Webinar Room 6
Dividing Deep Learning Model for Continuous Anomaly Detection of Inconsistent ICT Systems
Kengo Tajiri (NTT Corporation), Yasuhiro Ikeda (PKSHA Technology), Yuusuke Nakano (NTT), Keishiro Watanabe (NTT)
A Machine Learning-Based Framework to Estimate the Lifetime of Network Line Cards
Juan Luis Herrera Gonzalez (Department of Computer Systems and Telematics Engineering, University of Extremadura), Marco Polverini (Sapienza, University of Rome), Jaime Galán-Jiménez (University of Extremadura)
Webinar Room 7
Using Machine Learning to Estimate the Optimal Transmission Range for RPL Networks
Moussa Aboubakar (Université de Technologie de Compiègne), Mounir Kellil (CEA, LIST, Communicating Systems Laboratory), Abdelmadjid Bouabdallah (UTC), Pierre Roux (CEA, LIST, Communicating Systems Laboratory)
Practical 5G KPI Measurement Results on a Non-Standalone Architecture
Gabor Soos (Budapest University of Technology and Economics), Daniel Ficzere (Budapest University of Technology and Economics), Pal Varga (Budapest University ot Technology and Economics), Zsolt Szalay (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
17:30-18:30 |
Posters 2 Session Chair: Tiago Cruz |
Webinar Room 6
Adaptive scaling of Kubernetes pods
Dávid Balla (Budapest University of Technology and Economics), Markosz Maliosz (Budapest University of Technology and Economics), Csaba Simon (BME/TMIT)
Unveiling the Features of Network Dynamics: a Data-Oriented Approach
Shibo Lu (Imperial College London), Daphné Tuncer (Imperial College London), Stuart Clayman (University College London)
Webinar Room 7
Inferring Cloud-Network Slice's Requirements from Non-Structured Service Description
Rafael Pasquini (Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU)), Javier Baliosian (University of the Republic), Joan Serrat (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), Juan Luis Gorricho (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya), Augusto Neto (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN), Fábio Verdi (Universidade Federal de São Carlos)
Wednesday, 22 April 2020
13:00-14:00 |
Posters 3 Session Chair: Csaba Simon |
Webinar Room 6
Towards Adversarial Resilience in Proactive Detection of Botnet Domain Names by using MTD
Christian Dietz (Bundeswehr Univerity Munich), Gabi Dreo Rodosek (University of Federal Armed Forces, Munich), Anna Sperotto (University of Twente), Aiko Pras (University of Twente)
Preventing DDoS attacks in Path Identifiers-Based Information Centric Networks
Basheer Al-Duwairi (Jordan University of Science & Technology), Oznur Ozkasap (Koc University)
Webinar Room 7
Process mining-based approach for investigating malicious login events
Sofiane Lagraa (University of Luxembourg), Radu State (University of Luxembourg)
NEW IP Framework and Protocol for Future Applications
Zhe Chen (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.), Chuang Wang (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.), Guanwen Li (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.), Zhe Lou (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.), Sheng Jiang (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.), Alex Galis (University College London)
17:45-18:45 |
Posters 4 Session Chair: Attila Hilt |
Webinar Room 6
Hierarchical Congestion Control (HCC): Cooperation of Uncorrelated Flows for Better Fairness and Throughput
Shiva Ketabi (University of Toronto), Yashar Ganjali (University of Toronto)
SDN-assisted containerized security and monitoring components
Miguel Borges de Freitas (University of Coimbra), Pedro Quitério (University of Coimbra), Luis Rosa (University of Coimbra), Tiago Cruz (University of Coimbra), Paulo Simoes (University of Coimbra)
Webinar Room 7
AccuPIPE: Accurate Heavy Flow Detection in the Data Plane Using Programmable Switches
Yang Guo (NIST), Franklin Liu (UIUC), An Wang (Case Western Reserve University), Hang Liu (The Catholic University of America)
Thursday, 23 April 2020
13:00-14:00 |
Posters 5 Session Chair: Markosz Maliosz |
Webinar Room 1
Flexible Content-based Publish/Subscribe over Programmable Data Planes
Ralf Kundel (Technische Universität Darmstadt), Christoph Gärtner (TU Darmstadt), Manisha Luthra (TU Darmstadt), Sukanya Bhowmik (Uni Stuttgart), Boris Koldehofe (TU Darmstadt)
Interference Cancellation for Software Defined Impulse Radio by Template Design
Xufang Wang (Fujian Normal University), Feng Lin (Fuzhou Institute for Data Technology), Wen-Kang Jia (Fujian Normal University)
Webinar Room 5
OpenFlow enabled Integrated Routing and Bridging over Ethernet Virtual Private Networks
Panagiotis Karamichailidis (University of Thessaly), Kostas Choumas (University of Thessaly), Thanasis Korakis (University of Thessaly)
Capacity Expansion and Modernization of Core Network Elements Running on ATCA Platform
Attila Hilt (Nokia), József Varga (NOKIA), Gábor Járó (Nokia)
Presenter Instructions
As you are already aware, the Covid-19 pandemic has forced the NOMS 2020 conference
to go online - as such, there was the need to adjust the conference session formats in order to make them compatible with an online synchronous event. Naturally, poster sessions were not exempt from this.
As you may acknowledge, the traditional poster session format relies on the display
and discussion of A0 posters, something which is not easy to replicate in an online event - at least not in an effective way. After discussion with the conference chairs and the OC, the poster chairs have decided to pursue the following model:
- During the poster sessions, assigned presenters will have a 60 minutes time slot to present their work and answer the questions of the participants;
- Each poster author will have its own dedicated session - during each poster timeslot three authors will present in parallel;
- At the beginning of each poster session a pre-recorded video will present the contents of the poster.
For this please prepare a 5 to 10 minutes short video, presenting the background
of your work, the proposed solution and the main evaluation results (this video should be uploaded to a private Youtube channel, whose URL must be provided to the session chairs). In the video please use powerpoint slides to illustrate your talk. After the
video, a PDF will be shown in the background during the poster session - please prepare this PDF in such a way that it should fit in a 16:9 screen (instead of a regular A0 poster format).
Failure to comply with these instructions will have the same consequences as
not presenting the poster - as such, corresponding short papers will not be published in IEEE Xplore.
Don’t hesitate to contact the chairs, in case you have any doubts.
Best Regards,
--NOMS 2020 Poster Chairs
3D Virtual Poster Session Instructions
Photo Courtesy of Prof. Peter Baranyi Ph.D., D.Sc.
The Poster sessions are made even more exciting by making the Posters available in a 3D MaxWhere Space. 3D browsing requires a download of MaxWhere, but it runs on a laptop computer, and it does *not* require 3D glasses. For the best experience: use a mouse with two buttons and a scroll wheel.
To experience the Poster sessions in a 3D space, in addition to Webex, you can get engaged in the following way:
- Download MaxWhere 3D browser (if you do not have yet) at (few sec)
- Install MaxWhere 3D browser (few sec.)
- Type url MW:noms2020 or simply type NOMS 2020 in the search bar then click on "More on 3D Web"
- Cilck on the play button once you see the HomeSpace.
- Move in the 3D space with the mouse; focus on a given board and doubleclick; move around by bringing the cursor to the edges of the screen.
- In order to get into another Poster Session Room, go to the Desk at the corner (the blue capsule on the top helps getting closer) and choose the Poster session/Room. When you turn around, you find yourself into the chosen room already.